Saturn Bomberman – Wide
The November meeting had a theme of Multi-player. We had a good turn out including a few new faces. A few members paid their 2016 membership early to get one of the retro gifts from Julian – either a Game Theory Admiral Famiclone or a Pokemon Mini.
The portable arcade machine was connected to the projector as normal and co-op games were features including Simpsons – Arcade. We had 3 GameBoy Advances playing Mario Kart Super Ciruit via a link cable with a fourth player using a GameCube with the Game Boy Player. Wayne from Stuff4Gamers was there showing off his Retron 5 which can play original cartridges from 5 retro systems using original controllers – if you can’t find the actual consoles or don’t have enough room for them then this is the next best thing.
We discussed the month in Retro including the withdrawl of the Retro VGS and the retro presentations at EB Expo and PAX. We finished the night with Saturn Bomberman including the wide mode above.