No theme this meeting – members brought what ever they wanted. The arcade machine was connected to the projector for some...
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This was our XBOX LAN Party themed meeting. 2 XBOXes and 6 360s were set up on the same network...
The meeting started with a few of us working out how to hang and get power to my LED Neon...
A room full of people standing around the projector with an arcade machine plugged into it....
A Gamecube with a Gameboy player underneath....
Paul engrossed in a game…...
A Panasonic Q which also plays Gamecube games....
A bunch of rare development Game Cubes on display....
Playing a game on the NES styled bluetooth arcade stick....
Also got some #JagFest 1990 video going on the Jaguar CD Add-On courtesy of Songbird-Productions at @RetroTuesday 🙂...
Chinese exclusive arcade game played with Bluetooth FC30 Arcade Stick from #Stuff4Gamers at @RetroTuesday 🙂...
Both official & new Jag cart games plus the ever fun Vid Grid CD in our area at @RetroTuesday 🙂...