The month I brought along a Famicom running Star Soldier for our Caravan Mode Challenge, a SNES running our Game of the Month Pac-Attack and to celebrate the imminent release of Super Smash Bros Ultimate an N64 running it’s first iteration. Angela and Robert had a SNES running into a huge CRT and a GameBoy Colour, Matthew had his AtGames MegaDrive, Rob brought his Analogue Super Nt, newcomer Arnold a MegaDrive modded to switch display rate and region, Paul a laptop running Jill of the Jungle and G his MegaDrive with a variety of Micky Mouse Illusionary games.
During announcements we discussed retro news. Since the January 2019 meeting was scheduled for New Year’s Day we took the option of changing it to the 8th. We had our $5 Pickup Challenge – the best retro item you can find for up to $5. The contenders were – John with 007 Tomorrow Never Dies, Matthew with an XBOX360 FPS, Angela told the story of buying Dark Reign (PC) on eBay and the seller being so happy he sent her $5 in cash, Arnold had Mickey Mouse’s Castle of Illusion (SMD), I had Sonic Heroes (PS2) but the winner was Tim with a limited edition of The Getaway which is worth hundreds of dollars that he bought for a few. We voted on the December Game of the Month and came up with Devil’s Crush (TG16) though after the recount Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers (NeoGeo) was a very close second. David won the Caravan Mode Challenge with a score of 31300. We agreed on the Sega Saturn as the theme for January.