Portfolio Category: nintendo

April 2018

A quiet meeting tonight. Our Game of the Month - Golden Axe II - was running on a MegaDrive and the Steam version on a PC.  Chris tweaked the options on the MegaDrive version to give him 5 life bars and was able to beat it - the peasants we're excited and the credits rolled. During…
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March 2018

A good turnout tonight with a few new comers. The theme was 1994 and the Game of the Month Metal Slug.  John had his consolised MVS running Metal Slug.  Robert & Angela brought a few DOS games from 1994 running on an old laptop as well as some handhelds including a PSP emulating a SNES…
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February 2018

No theme this month so we had a variety of games and platforms.  Angela and Robert brought a NES with a very small CRT screen with a Zapper as well as a Core Grafx with a Turbo EverDrive along with a variety of hand helds - we weren't sure if the small screen made Duck Hunt…
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January 2018

A reasonable turn up to our Shmup themed meeting.  David brought a Megadrive/MegaCD combination and a SNES Jnr both connected to very heavy broadcast quality CRT monitors via component cables so the picture was outstanding.  Angela and Robert brought a PC Engine Core Grafx and a DOS laptop.  John also brought a MegaDrive.  Alex turned…
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